Too long time from the table (2015 currently about six years!) To have too passed, it is the work of development stop is rumor.
But ..., since even SCE side they are saying that during development, I think that will someday be released, but it does not know the detail, even in the 2015 game.
Why did you choose this work is because they think it's masterpiece definitely because it is production of "ICO" team.
"ICO" is really a great game, personally we think that it is something that is beyond the other game. As far as was also seen, such as PV in this work, it makes you feel the air that I wonder I wonder would cry unwittingly.
Of course release date not yet determined, the corresponding models (there is also talk that it might than the transition to PS4) PS3. Price is also undecided, but I am waiting for the follow-up!
Developer is Valhalla Game Studios that "DEAD OR ALIVE" famous Tomonobu Itagaki said that it worked on "NINJA GAIDEN" series led.
It is a work that violence expressions that was also seen in "NINJA GAIDEN" series has become one of the selling. Combat the combined action and FPS also features works.
Why did you choose this work, is that I because a fan of "NINJA GAIDEN" series.
"NINJA GAIDEN 2" but was proud of certainly high degree of difficulty, repeat the retry, if read and enemy of behavior pattern is difficulty curve that can be cleared was the exquisite work. I hope that can you also show the trial and error that can be convincing in work now.
Date of this work is undecided. Compatible models is WiiU. Price is also undecided.
Developer is a famous Turtle Rock in the "Left 4 Dead" series. Such as fine game system we have carefully explained in the video. National hunt is a game that the work is in SF tick, I feel that now monsters can also operation.
It is this work that there is a variety of game modes, but is the centerpiece "Evacuation" mode, the game map to becoming as changes occur, making it a different deployment is not an exaggeration to say that enjoy content every time.
The reason you chose, it is because it is is a well-worn expression was thought to be "interesting!".
Simple and fun of universality that in cooperation with four defeat a powerful monster of one body. Although it is likely to be enjoyed alone play, I'd like to play and also fellow who fit the four of the gas.
In addition, it is interesting also tried because monster side can be operated. In the video game, or form of this asymmetry would not be quite unusual in?
Date of this work is March 5, 2015. Compatible models has become a PS4 / Xbox one / PC. Price both is 8316 yen (including tax).
BLUESIDE is a development company based in South Korea. As can be seen by looking at the video, battle up to tremendous it has been made.
As this film game system, RTS has become a something like a combination of the (real-time strategy) and the action. In its own game engine "BLUESIDE ENGINE", it is that can display as many as character whopping 10 000 bodies.
Why did you choose this work, it is indeed a battle scene up to that overwhelming. Battle of the scene that you ever seen in such movies, can be reproduced on the game also combines beautiful graphics. I'd always Naa came good era.
This title is scheduled to be Free to Play, service start time has become undecided. It's that hard towards the end of the year 2015. Compatible models has become a PS4 / PC.
Previous work? It seems not be a sequel of "Xenoblade" but, world map with a battle system and the difference in height, such as seems to have been followed.
The "Xenoblade" I was thinner is robot component set to "Xeno" systems, but such is the work now can board the robot, called a doll, what not has become the irresistible content to love robot.
Why did you choose this work, it is the main reason that can explore the beautiful planet that say what height difference. It should be able also looking superb view points!
Release Date is April 29, 2015. Compatible models in WiiU, the price is 8316 yen (including tax).